Taking a break from portfolios …


… to say that on this day in 1972 J. Edgar Hoover passed away. A quick Google scan isn’t helping me find out who it was who took to answering his phone "Fuck J. Edgar Hoover" in response to Hoover’s efforts to weed out so-called radicals and subversives, but I have to say that I’ve given a great deal of thought to coopting that greeting in the wake of the PATRIOT Act. Unfortunately, no one ever calls me, so I’d never have a chance to use it anyway. On that note, let’s play the friday5.org Friday Five!

1. How do you feel about spicy food?
I really love some spices (garlic and red pepper), but not others (Asian-based spices and spice blends). I love the heat of spices, as well as their ability to help clear out my sinuses.

2. What kinds of condiments do you add to food in order to spice things up a bit?
I’ve never been one for condiments except for catsup; the only time I ever put salt on anything is when I’m eating hash browns at IHOP, which is a once-a-year thing at best.

3. Not counting salt and pepper, what’s your favorite flavor enhancer when cooking?
Emeril’s original Essence blend. Apart from things with a tomato base, it goes well with everything and adds just the right flavour and heat.

4. What’s the spiciest food you’ve ever eaten?
That I can remember, Morningstar Farms’ vegetarian buffalo wings. I’m sure I had spicier stuff when I was a child, though; I just didn’t get emotionally scarred by it.

5. In what way might some other aspect of your daily life be spiced up, and what’s keeping that from happening right now?
I don’t have time for a boyfriend or a girlfriend right now, and it’s not like I’ve ever had much luck finding them anyway. That’s all I can safely say here.

4 thoughts on “Taking a break from portfolios …”

  1. I haven’t had them in a while but from what I remember I agree…those Morningstar farms buffalo wings are SERIOUSLY hot! I am no wimp when it comes to hot food and I can only eat about 4 of them before I’m begging for mercy.

    Happy Friday!

  2. Catsup? CATSUP??? I thought everyone from the northern states called it ketchup?

    At least tell me that Pepsi is still pop?

  3. Tali: It could be, but my mad research skillz are failing me right now. (I may need to buy a membership in UT’s Alumni Association just to regain access to all the sweet research databases I used to have access to in my student days.)

    Joe: I think most people up here still say ketchup, but I prefer to use the non-brand name version (even though Heinz is the only brand I buy). Likewise, most people I know of in this part of the country still say pop, but I’ve taken to calling it soda for some reason. (Being different for the sake of being different, I know, I know …)

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