She was an OSS spy, she was a PBS chef


Today she would have been 96. Happy birthday, Julia Child, and thank you, however indirectly, for inspiring my love for cooking. (Julia was still on the air when I started watching Saturday afternoon cooking shows, but Jeff Smith and Mary Ann Esposito were my main influences there. Funnily enough I’m watching Simply Ming on PBS as I type this up.) Time for the Friday Five.

1. What did you last replace batteries for?
Yesterday I changed the batteries in a hair trimmer of mine, whose purpose I will not mention for fear of TMI. I had a really good trimmer my folks got me a few years ago, but earlier this year the motor wore out and I had to get a different model, which uses twice as many batteries and goes through them twice as fast as my old trimmer. I wish I could find another one of the ones my folks got me, but I haven’t been able to find one.

2. What have you thrown away that you probably could have had repaired?
I honestly can’t remember the last time I threw out something that was capable of being repaired. I guess that goes along with being a packrat and all.

3. Among items in your line of sight right now, what should probably be put in the trash?
A lot of things, the most prominent being an old spare shoelace that I’ll probably never have a use for.

4. When did you last use disposable cutlery while dining in your house?
I’ve done it before, but it was at least fifteen or so years ago. I’ve done a good job of greening this house and everyone in it, and I was never one for cookouts.

5. Whose actions cause you to waste time you otherwise wouldn’t waste?
To be blunt, Mom has a tendency to get in my way when I’m trying to cook my meals. She doesn’t get around that fast any longer, so I have to stand there sometimes for long periods of time while she cleans something out. It hasn’t gotten to the point where she’s caused me to ruin a meal yet, but that’s something I’m concerned about.

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