
I wanted to give you all an update on the situation with my grandmother yesterday, but Blogger was down.

Anyway, the initial diagnosis of the paramedics was that my grandmother had had a stroke, but at the hospital they said it was an aneurysm. Yesterday they helicoptered her from Jackson to Detroit so a neurosurgeon could perform on her. The surgery was earlier today, and although there’s still a risk of complications from some leftover blood between her brain and skull (it could trigger a stroke or worse, or it could just get reabsorbed into her body like a bruise), her prognosis is good. The aneurysm didn’t strike anywhere near where it could affect her motor or cognitive functions, so if she gets past this initial recovery (she’ll be spending two weeks in intensive care just to be sure), she should make a full recovery.

It’s just a damn good thing that my mother and father were up there visiting her at the time, because she’s lived alone since her husband died five years ago. If no one had been there with her at the time, she had practically no chance of surviving. My aunt from Charlotte flew in to be with her yesterday, so my mother was able to come back to Toledo last night and is doing about as well as can be expected.

And yeah, I heard the news about the Supremes undoing the anti-sodomy laws. If I feel like writing a column for Backwash this weekend, I may talk about it there, but for now I’m really not thinking about that sort of stuff.

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