RIP Tim Russert


Here’s this week’s Friday Five.

1. Who gave you your last balloon, and what was the occasion?
The day after my birthday this year, a few of my students in one of my comp classes set up a birthday party for me in class, including a whole lot of helium balloons topped off with a huge Powerpuff Girls balloon. Even though nearly all of the helium has drained out of them, I still have the balloons out in the loft.

2. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?
I can’t remember clearly, and I’m afraid it might have been Dad for some small thing.

3. Who gave you your last attaboy, and why?
I’m fairly certain this was Dad, and again, it would have way too long ago.

4. Who gave you your last haircut?
A woman at a First Choice in the mall near where my sister currently lives. In 1989. No, I’m not kididng.

5. Who gave you your last massage?
I’ve gotten massages before, but it would have been several years ago, probably before I went back to school.

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