On this date in 1967


The world’s first automatic teller machine, or ATM, was installed in Enfield in London. Some people from that day are still waiting to get their money. On that note, let’s play the friday5.org Friday Five.

1. What was the last thing you purchased from a vending machine?
A week ago Thursday, just before the semester-end party for my comp students, I bought a bottle of LifeWater from a vending machine on the MCCC campus. I’m getting addicted to that stuff, particularly VitaminWater XXX.

2. What was the last thing you made copies of on a photocopier?
Handouts for my current crop of comp students. I made most of the handouts ahead of time this term so I wouldn’t have to worry about the copier malfunctioning just before class when I need to use it.

3. When did you last use a pay telephone?
I believe in 2000 when I needed Dad to pick me up from the Greyhound station after making a trip to Cincinnati. That was my last major outing until I started going back to school, and I got a cell phone right after 09.11.

4. How often do you visit an automatic teller machine?
As little as I have to. I don’t like walking around with cash these days, and if I need cash I just take some out when I make a grocery run and pay with my debit card.

5. Which of your daily tasks would you most like to see automated?
Cooking. Particularly since I went back on my diet a few weeks ago, I’ve had to spend a lot more time cooking than I used to, and I need all of the time I can get these days.

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