Mikeneko, ????.??.??-2009.02.25


When we took in Spookytooth last year, we also took in his mother, a calico cat we alternately called Cali, Hobbes, and Mikeneko. After Spooky’s death, Mikeneko took on even more importance in our lives. Sadly, recenly she had begun to show signs of the same disease that claimed Spooky (Feline Infectious Peritonitis, or FIP), and last night we finally took her to the vet for tests. When the vet said this morning that Mikeneko had either FIP or a severe brain tumor (most likely FIP), the decision was made to put Mikeneko to sleep.

The worst part is that it doesn’t really seem to be affecting us like it should. Due to the proximity of the first anniversary of Dad’s death, we’re all feeling so numb right now, and with having to deal with Spooky’s death in between the two, I fear that we may, in a sick way, be getting too accustomed to death.

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