Category Archives: internet

Blah-gging for a Decade

In the wee hours of the first of April, 2001, I decided to try this thing I’d just heard of on TechTV called “blogging.”  The .org had been around for about five months at that point, and at first my blog was separate from the .org, hosted on Blogspot, until I integrated it with the .org later.  That first night I wondered if Blogger would automatically adjust the time for Daylight Savings Time, since I’d literally created the blog in the last minutes before the…

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The Last Straw

Google, Yahoo search engines powered by BP (Chicago Tribune) Like many people, I’ve been avoiding commenting too much on the political and corporate aspects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill because it’s still going on, and the focus needs to be on doing whatever can be done to get the spill stopped, clean up the oil, and take care of the people and animals and birds and fish and such affected by this tragedy.  As farcical as some of BP’s ideas for stopping the…

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Unsolved Mysteries

People who have followed my writing for any length of time know that I have a real knack for saying and doing things to embarrass myself.  I’d like to think that this is something I’ve gotten better at over the years, but really I just think I’ve gotten better at hiding it when it happens.  As hard as this may be for some of you to believe, I was actually worse at this when I was younger, as my perpetual naïvete on a variety of…

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The End of the World as We Know It

While the rest of this city concerns itself with more trivial matters, I, for one, am wondering how long it will be until we get nuked.  If you haven’t been paying attention to world affairs lately, South Korea has claimed that North Korea torpedoed one of its warships back in March, and now North Korea has cut off all ties with South Korea as the rest of the world, possibly even China, is backing the South Koreans.  This isn’t the first time tension has flared…

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A Public Service Letter

Dear friend: Hello.  My name is Sean Shannon.  You probably don’t know me because I walked away from whatever small measure of “Internet fame” I had nearly ten years ago.  However, I know someone who knows you, and that person has asked me to talk to you about something. Like you and your friend, I too use a variety of social networking tools, such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace, to stay in touch with old friends and, once in a while, make new friends.  Modern…

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