All posts by Sean Shannon

Goddess knows I don’t like people who put a bunch of Internet tests and surveys on their Websites, but I’ll always make an exception for Colorgenics because their analyses of me tend to be pretty spot-on … Your archetype (partial results): The MapThe Map personality is often deeply and intimately involved in the world. This world however is usually inside his/her own mind. Thoughtful to the extreme, this type is often obsessed with perfection and the rules governing their own personal interests. They are generally…

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Do you ever get the feeling that your life is the equivalent of watching endless slow-motion replays from the World Paint Drying Championships? So let me ask all of you: how do you go about initiating reconcilement with a friend who’s hurt you deeply, and who you’ve hurt deeply as well? I’ve waited about as long as I can, and if I don’t get this resolved (or at least find some sort of peace with the situation), I think I’m going to go certifiably insane.

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