Republicans urge Wisconsin broadcasters not to air “deliberately false and misleading” commercial about Dubya’s claims in State of the Union Address (Yahoo News). You know, this is beyond total bullshit coming from a party that ran deliberate, provable lies about Hillary Clinton’s proposed health care reform back in the early days of her husband’s administration. (I highly encourage you to read James Carville’s We’re Right, They’re Wrong for details on that, as well as the other subterfuge the GOP used back in the mid-nineties.) The…

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Goddess knows I don’t like people who put a bunch of Internet tests and surveys on their Websites, but I’ll always make an exception for Colorgenics because their analyses of me tend to be pretty spot-on … Your archetype (partial results): The MapThe Map personality is often deeply and intimately involved in the world. This world however is usually inside his/her own mind. Thoughtful to the extreme, this type is often obsessed with perfection and the rules governing their own personal interests. They are generally…

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Do you ever get the feeling that your life is the equivalent of watching endless slow-motion replays from the World Paint Drying Championships? So let me ask all of you: how do you go about initiating reconcilement with a friend who’s hurt you deeply, and who you’ve hurt deeply as well? I’ve waited about as long as I can, and if I don’t get this resolved (or at least find some sort of peace with the situation), I think I’m going to go certifiably insane.

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