Still Here


My apologies for going silent for a whole week like that, but between business surrounding Dad’s death and work for school I haven’t had a moment’s rest for a very long time. I’ll have an update on that over the weekend, but for now I wanted to make sure I got a Friday Five in here.

On this day in 1994, version 1.0.0 of the Linux kernel was released. I actually remember some friends of mine from local BBSes talking about Linux back in the winter of ’95, but it was only in the late 1990s when I finally took a serious look at Linux, thanks in large part to The Screen Savers on ZDTV featuring it so prominently. Leo Laporte and Kate Botello need to get back together on my television now. On that note, let’s play the Friday Five.

1. What were the events that led to your being in the most trouble with your parents ever?
I’m not sure if I can figure out a single episode that was the worst, and even if I could it is still far too soon for me to be approaching this topic. Pass.

2. What happened when you received your worst childhood physical injury?
The weekend before the last week of kindergarten I tried on roller skates for the first time in our garage. Ten seconds later I fell and broke my right arm and got to spend half of that summer vacation with a plaster cast on that arm, unable to swim in our backyard pool. I remember my sister drawing a huge Pac-Man maze on my first cast because I was big into Pac-Man then (and couldn’t play it with my arm bent at the elbow the way it was while it healed).

3. What was the worst trouble you ever got into in school?
Just before my last year at That Private School, I was barred from campus for three months and had to be psychiatrically evaluated before I was allowed to return. The shrink who saw me agreed that if there were any mental problems, they were with the people who ran that school, not me.

4. What kind of trouble have you been in at work?
At MCCC I’ve only ever had problems getting behind on getting my students’ work back to them in a timely fashion. I’m having that problem now, as a matter of fact, although my students have been understanding given the circumstances.

5. How do you usually deal with the knowledge that you’re about to be in big trouble?
I try to think things through and figure out how best to survive and get through things. That kind of sums up the last three weeks for me, actually.

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