Category Archives: personal

We’re a family of crazy cat people

Even though Spyder left the house along with my sister and brother-in-law at the start of the month, we still haven’t moved Skooter into the house full-time. We’re letting her into the house for longer and longer periods, but the house still isn’t ready for her, in part because my sister and brother-in-law still haven’t taken Spyder’s old litterbox to their apartment. (They also haven’t bothered removing one of their old 27" television sets that’s currently an eyesore in the hallway outside of my room.)…

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It’s oh so quiet

Okay, it’s not so quiet at this particular moment because I have a Red Wings game on my television and my sister and brother-in-law just showed up for their first visit in three days, but still, it’s almost eerie, and perhaps a bit cliché, just how quiet this house has gotten since the kids moved out. Perhaps I notice it more than my parents because my bedroom is next to theirs, but still, even after they’ve been living in their apartment for nearly a week,…

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Should have bought an Auld Lang Syne ringtone

Last night was the first time I can ever remember being under a winter storm warning during the changeover from year to year. In the end we only got some snow out of it, which melted before a new front dumped a few more inches on us this evening, but for a while there I was pondering what might happen if we were to lose power as midnight approached. I soon realized that the best way we’d have to monitor the switch to 2008 would…

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It’s four in the morning, the end of December

I’m writing you now … well, because I always do a "Famous Blue Raincoat" post every year, whether on here or someplace else. This is probably the worst year for me to be staying up to do this post, too, because not only is my schedule such that staying up this late is harder than it has ever been before (yeah, I’m getting old, thanks for asking), but in about four hours here we’re going to have movers coming in to get all of the…

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Un-Targeted Thoughts

It is one of those unexplainable phenomena in life that Target stores always seem to carry the notebook paper lined so that it takes the least amount of writing to fill up a page; that is to say, the lines are spaced wide enough, and there’s enough white space at the top and bottom of each page, so that filling a page on Target-bought paper takes less time than filling a page on notebook paper bought from another store. (Mead brand takes the least to…

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