Category Archives: personal


In a lot of the business classes I took as an undergraduate, I would constantly run into these questions on tests where the wording of the questions and answers just completely threw me off. Some of the questions were missing vital information, some of the answers weren’t very specific, and a lot of them used hedge words that made it nearly impossible for me to be confident with whatever answer I chose. Given that these were in classes where I was one of over a…

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The strange changes the Internet causes

Is the United States Chess Federation in trouble? (New York Times blogs) Getting back into playing chess is one of those things that always seems to be high on my to-do list that just never gets done. All I’ve managed to do over these past few years is knock off a few tutorials and practice games on Xbox Chessmaster (yay no absurd security locks), and play the odd game online. I really don’t like playing on television or computer screens because it just doesn’t inspire…

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It’s all in the pennies

I have begun undertaking the calculus required to figure out just how much money I need to be making on a monthly basis to live on my own. I’ve had an idea of the vague numbers for quite some time — I first made these calculations back in 2000, back when I was thinking about doing full-time Web design work — but now I’m figuring out every last penny of how much breakfast costs, how much lunch costs, how much my gum and tissues cost,…

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Spacing Out

As much as I still haven’t gotten used to my sister and brother-in-law moving to their own apartment at the start of the year — the quietness makes every little sound in this house seem that much louder — I can’t help but enjoy having my own bathroom now. Even though our office is up on the second floor along with my bedroom, my parents prefer to use the bathroom off of their bedroom on the first floor (in what used to be my old…

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In the service of ego

I can’t say that I’ve come to any solid conclusions about the choice I face over whether or not to get another degree that I’ve been writing about for quite some time now. The only progress I’ve really made, if you can call it that, is that I’ve decided not to apply to any schools for this coming autumn. I still feel like I’m trying to get my legs under me, particularly as I face a number of new challenges this term (my first term…

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