Category Archives: personal

Light Above the Trees

Last year I don’t think I handled the earlier switch to Daylight Savings Time all that well. It definitely messed with my internal clock to have things so light out later at night than I was used to, even though at the time I really didn’t have any regular commitments because I was still just looking for employment. I definitely enjoyed the extra daylight — even though I’m definitely a night person, after a certain point the winter just becomes total drudgery to get through…

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Everything tells a story

I’m the biggest packrat I know of, but Dad was close. Whatever extra ability he had to throw things out was kind of negated by the fact that he had a thirty-year head start on collecting things. Although he lost a lot of personal stuff in the fire since he stored lots of stuff upstairs, his business stuff was safe since we still had a separate office west of here back then. That stuff came over to the house once he built the addition a…

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From a distance

Some of my birthday gifts have still yet to arrive — including a couple of CDs I bought for myself — but among the things I got this past Tuesday were Gandhi’s autobiography (I don’t know how I didn’t pick it up sooner), Dr. Strangelove (ditto), an Oh My Goddess! manga (I am way behind on those), and most importantly of all, I am finally in possession of a Guitar Hero game, namely Guitar Hero III for PS2. However, not only have I had next…

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Unhappy Birthday

I’m not in the mood to give one of my long birthday posts here, just like I wasn’t in the mood to do my usual pre-birthday begging for stuff off of my Amazon wishlist. Suffice it to say that my birthday booty this year was a bit bigger than usual, and I’ll get the specifics later (some items are still on their way here according to my sister), but obviously the events of the past month kind of put a damper on my usual biannual…

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Crisis Mode

Again, my apologies for a lack of blog entries lately. I have lots of topics on my whiteboard here for when I feel that I can resume a normal blogging schedule, but that might not be for a while because there’s still so much going on here in the aftermath of Dad’s death. Just as a quick update on that, I had blogged earlier that the preliminary cause of Dad’s death was determined to be a stomach aneurysm, but when we got his death certificate…

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