Category Archives: shopping

It’s the Little Things

It’s not a secret that I’m not much of a people person. I can handle social situations well at work, and with friends I’ve known for a while and gotten comfortable with, but the kinds of encounters I have to handle when doing miscellaneous things in public make me visibly uncomfortable. (Even with friends I can be reluctant to initiate contact for no good reason, as I’ve been with one new friend lately.) As a result, I like the kinds of inventions that minimize the…

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Holiday wishlist/affiliate plug

I’m taking a short break from grading my students’ portfolios here to do some begging. For those of you who are doing your holiday shopping on, please visit them through this link so I’ll get a small percentage of whatever you buy back in gift certificates. Alternately, you could always get me something off of my wishlist if you’d like to go the direct route. Either way, your support is greatly appreciated. We now return you to your previously scheduled lack of blogging.

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Un-Targeted Thoughts

It is one of those unexplainable phenomena in life that Target stores always seem to carry the notebook paper lined so that it takes the least amount of writing to fill up a page; that is to say, the lines are spaced wide enough, and there’s enough white space at the top and bottom of each page, so that filling a page on Target-bought paper takes less time than filling a page on notebook paper bought from another store. (Mead brand takes the least to…

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Please buy me stuff

With little more than forty-eight hours to go here before Black Friday and with the holiday shopping season more or less kicked off already, I figure it’s time to make my annual plea for you all to either buy me stuff or help me buy stuff for myself, particularly now that my student loan repayments are eating up so much of my money. As I’ve done every year since I launched the .org, I strongly request that those of you who plan to shop at…

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