Category Archives: personal

Settling In

This Tuesday will be the third anniversary of Mom’s passing, and in some ways it’s felt like the hardest anniversary I’ve had to deal with so far. I’ve been thinking about the anniversary in the days leading up to it more than I have the others, and I’ve taken the day off work. (The first anniversary fell on a Sunday, so there weren’t any issues there, but the second was on a Monday when I did teach a class at eight in the morning, but…

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Coming Out Ace(s)

About Ace Week ( A little over a year ago, I did an interview on the Asexual Artists website where I talked about my work and how my asexuality influences my life. It was kind of my public coming-out as an asexual, although many of my friends had known for a while. I recall that I wanted to write more about my asexuality after that interview came out, but it was published the same month that I got offered my teaching job and had to…

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Monsters Never Really Die

[The following blog contains mentions of physical and emotional abuse, as well as homophobia and transphobia.] When I was eleven years old, my father made me start going to the gym that he and Mom had joined about a year earlier. They’d taken me there before and made me sit in the waiting area while they worked out, but as my father started realizing things about me that I hadn’t yet realized about myself, he started doing a lot of things to try to pull…

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Write This Down

The assignment books they sold at the abattoir of a “school” I went to were about as big as a pack of notebook paper. Given how much homework we were all assigned there, those assignment books were kind of a necessity, and I don’t like remembering how many late nights I had to spend crossing every item out of each daily column in those books one-by-one. I couldn’t find those assignment books when I went off to college, so I bought smaller ones that I…

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The Last Worst-Case Scenario

Historic Hurricane Dorian unleashing ‘catastrophic’ blow in northern Bahamas, hurricane warnings posted for Florida’s east coast (Washington Post)UN Climate Panel: Emissions Must Fall Rapidly by 2030 to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change ( A little over a year ago, when I woke up to an email telling me that I’d been offered this full-time teaching position here in Wisconsin, I had to read it through three times to make sure that I was understanding it correctly. To say that I’d cast a wide net in my…

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