It’s Always Something


Although I’m not the strongest believer in numerology and related sciences, I do think that they deserve paying attention to, and that made this past week and a half so odd for me. It started with the second Friday the 13th in as many months a couple of weeks ago, then moved straight on to Pi Day (remember, I was always much better at maths than English growing up, so I still note Pi Day and Mole Day and all of those things), and then a week ago today was the Ides of March. The 16th was the anniversary of my parents buying this house, and of course St. Patrick’s Day was the day after that. I turned 33 on the 18th, and then I couldn’t think of anything that special about the 19th except I vaguely remember it being the birthday of an elementary school crush whose name I’ve long forgotten. The 20th was the equinox, and then yesterday Dad would have turned 63. I’m out of that series of days now, but it was definitely odd to have so many of those days all in a row.

My birthday itself went okay, although I had to cut short a meeting with some friends after work so I could come home for the big party; in the past, spending the birthday with non-family members usually hasn’t worked out so well, so I’m making a point of having birthdays at home from now on. The birthday booty was kind of big, including several CDs, a couple of books, Wii Points (although I haven’t had a chance to play on my Wii in forever) from the family, and the deluxe Pulp Fiction (I’d only ever bought the original DVD release, strange to relate), and a Barnes and Noble gift card from friends. Unfortunately, I’ve been so busy with other things, my book and DVD piles are both back to being absurdly large; even if I make extra time for reading here, I doubt I’ll get through all the books I already own by the end of the year, and I’ve still got more on the way.

Although I’m not blogging as much as I used to — something I’ve noticed with everyone else whose blogs I follow — I am trying to keep my Twitter account up-to-date at the very least. (I need to put a Twitter feed on the .org, I know.) It doesn’t help that I’ve got a social life again for the first time in about four years, and I’ve got all sorts of special stuff coming up. Part of me wonders if moving to tweets is part of the natural evolution of the Internet, but it’s probably something I should resist, given that I’m trying to make a living, at least in part, on my writing. It’s not that I don’t have things I want to talk about here — I still have a huge list of potential blog topics on my whiteboard — but finding the time to blog these days is very, very difficult, even with a reduced teaching load this semester. Someone needs to prod me to write here more often.

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