David Leisure turns 57 today


Although later generations may only know of Leisure from reruns of Empty Nest, those of us who lived through all the eighties will never forget Leisure’s brilliant turn as Joe Isuzu, the Isuzu television spokesperson whose lies about the company’s cars were so over the top ("It gets twenty million miles per gallon" and the like), and delivered with such a deadpan charm, that Leisure may be one of the best commercial actors of my lifetime; certainly Joe Isuzu presaged Jon Lovitz’ more popular "Liar" character. On that note, let’s play the friday5.org Friday Five.

1. Where is the nearest playground slide?
I’m fairly certain several of the houses near ours have some kind of slide, but the nearest playground slide would be at Stranahan Elementary School, about half a mile from here.

2. What’s something you recently let slide?
Entirely too many promises from my sister to take care of her responsibilities. The less said about that, the better.

3. Who recently let slide something you did?
I polished off the orange juice this morning for breakfast, but the folks let it slide because my brother-in-law didn’t buy bananas last night like he was supposed to. (Starting to notice a pattern here?)

4. Where is the nearest water slide?
I believe at a theme park up near Dundee, Michigan, about five miles north of how far I go up into Michigan on US-23 on my way to work.

5. When did you last slide down a pole, a rope, or an embankment?
The closest thing I can think of is when I slid down the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes up in Michigan when I was on a school trip up there in sixth grade. Yeah, I don’t like sliding, thanks.

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